Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Schloss Neuchwanstein, Germany

The Schloss Neuchwanstein which means New Swan Stone Palace is the most popular tourist destination and most photographed building in Germany though interior photography was never permitted. It was a 19th century palace built on a rugged hill, south west of Bavaria, commissioned by King Ludwig II as a retreat and as a homage to his inspiring muse Richard Wagner. The reclusive king intended as a personal refuges and did not allow any visitor to his castle. But 7 weeks after his death in 1886, the palace was opened to public for the need of paying off debts incurred in financing its construction. About 50 million people had visited the castle since then and continuously almost 6000 people per day during summer time.

In year 1886, King Ludwig II was found drown in a swallow water at Lake Starnberg with the psychiatrist soon after he was declared as insane by State Commission when the castle was near completion. Until today his death remains as an unexplained mystery. When he died, many interior rooms remained undecorated but there were 15 rooms finished with rich and astonishing craftsmanship decoration, including his master suite which took 4 1/2 years for 14 carpenters to complete as the entire space was filled with detailed and adorned hand-carved wood. As we can see Wagner operas feature in Swan knight was everywhere in the form of murals, the design of the castle was actually paying great homage to the German legend of The Swan Knight Lohingrin.

King Ludwig II in fact was a patron of modern invention and a pioneer in introduction of electricity and many modern conveniences to his country. The castle was a marvel of technological structural achievement. He used steam engines and modern venting, water system on all floors and heating pipes. The King took personal interest in the design and decoration and had great influences on the construction when it started building on 5th September 1869.

Hohenschwangau old palace and Neuschwanstein Palace Castle, both were on and surrounded by marvelous Alp mountain ranges. Hohenschwangau Castle was the old palace where King Ludwig spent much of his youth.

The distance from Hohenschwangau Castle to Palace Castle is about 300 meter and the only transport allowed to go up the Palace Castle is the horse-drawn carriage which costs 6 euros for one way of this short journey.

Alps's fabulous falls foliage .

Spot of blue or turquoise green ponds amidst inside the colorful forest of Alps appear like a sparkling piece of precious sapphire and jade, attractive and beautiful.

Wonderful view of Hohenschwangau and Alp from Marienbruecke.

The castle palace was the inspiration for sleeping beauty castle in Disneyland. Every year there are at least 13 million of people come to visit this stone palace of swan and to share the legend of the mad Kind, King Ludwig II. The real fairy-tale fantasy came true right under your sight.

A breath-taking scenery on the way up towards the fantasy.

The map indicating the route to the location of the Palace Castle and also Mary's Bridge (Marienbruecke ) that spans a deep gorge providing spectacular side view of the Palace Castle and a 45m high water fall .

The scenery of Alps and the 40m water fall under the gorge of Mary's Bridge which was built specially for the view of the Palace Castle.

Front facade of the beautiful Palace Castle.

A spectacular view of Alps mountain ranges appears as if a hanging painting through the window of Palace Castle

The hand-crafted wood decoration at the ceiling and the detailed and rich decoration in the opera room, where The King never even had an opportunity to watch a performance .

The front door of the castle and its interior drawing plan showing the whole piping system which was a modern invention at that period.

There are professional narrators explaining in different languages escorting visitors from places over the world into the palace. Video and photography were strictly prohibited.

Along the way from Neuschwanstein a picturesque spot famous for its clear water lake and blue mountains.

A colorful lake side in its falls foliage.

Tasting the German pig knuckle before we left Germany - A server usually is able to take in her two hands 4 sets of them and the dish is served with sour cabbage pickles and a jug of German beer. Two of us could not even finish a set of them as it is too large portion for us.

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